Our Plans For The First Half Of 2025

By summer of 2025 we expect to have a demo ready in preparation for the next Steam Next Fest. That Next Fest will begin on June 9th, or about three months from the time of this post. As a result a few things are going to happen, though not all at once.

First, the storepage - which was set up in haste after Rock Paper Shotgun covered our appearance at BitSummit in 2019 - will finally get its long-due overhaul. That means those images and gifs will be replaced so that it’s clear what Brigador Killers actually looks and plays like, instead of things from the build that did the rounds at PAX in 2019 and 2020. All those “old” images from that version of BK can be seen in this dev archive album.

Next, we intend to put the demo up before the June Next Fest starts so that we’re eligible for the press preview event that occurs before each one. Developers only get one go at this event per game so we want to make the most out of it. What this means for you the public is that you will probably be able to access the demo not long before the festival begins. We do not intend to take the demo down after the Next Fest ends either.

Another piece of news is that the next audiobook will become available soon. One reason it has taken a while is we needed a good illustration for it. The work is almost done and here’s a peek at one part of the overall image (click here for a bigger version).

In case you missed the prologue post from before, the book is titled Brigador Killers: Pilgrim, written by Brad Buckmaster and read by Ryan Cooper. It is a direct sequel to the events of the first novel and it takes place between the first and second game. The first half of the new novel will be put up on our YouTube channel, one chapter at a time. The ebook version will follow at some point after since it is also waiting for the cover.

We realize this is a short post for this month but they aren’t the only things that are going on behind the scenes at Stellar Jockeys - this is just what to expect in your immediate future.

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